The Thanksgiving holiday may not have as many beers to offer as the upcoming Winter and Christmas beer seasons. But that didn't stop us from attempting to put together a Thanksgiving show. Not only did we cover what beers to pair with your Thanksgiving meal, we also managed to find some great beers to try in the process.
The Thanksgiving holiday may not have as many beers to offer as the upcoming Winter and Christmas beer seasons. But that didn't stop us from attempting to put together a Thanksgiving show. Not only did we cover what beers to pair with your Thanksgiving meal, we also managed to find some great beers to try in the process.
Hey! I listened to the Fairly OK Thanksgiving podcast on the way to work the day before Thanksgiving! Just about ran off the freeway when I heard you read my comments! So cool and unexpected! Thanks for the read and appreciate the fan involvement! Keep up the great reviews and work! Thanks, Rich (ohbuckeyenut)
ohbuckeyenut Dec 2, 2015 at 8:05PM
Hey! I listened to the Fairly OK Thanksgiving podcast on the way to work the day before Thanksgiving! Just about ran off the freeway when I heard you read my comments! So cool and unexpected! Thanks for the read and appreciate the fan involvement! Keep up the great reviews and work! Thanks, Rich (ohbuckeyenut)Leave a Comment: